A recent Kaiser Foundation survey revealed that almost one quarter of all US adults have experienced problems paying for healthcare, or know someone who has. If that wasn’t bad enough, medical bills are the cause of sixty percent of all bankruptcies in the United States.
Some insurance policies may only cover a portion of an employee’s overall medical costs. The expenses that aren’t covered can add up quickly, resulting in significant out-of-pocket expenses for your employees – sometimes more than they can afford.
GAP Insurance for controlling out-of-pocket costs
Today’s employers are seeking health plan options that enable them to control insurance costs while providing the best coverage for their employees. “Gap” insurance plans are designed to bridge the gap between what an employee’s insurance pays and the total costs for healthcare. Gap insurance helps towards paying the out-of-pocket expenses that can strain already tight household budgets to the breaking point.
Let AIS fill the GAP
AIS offers gap protection insurance to compliment you and your employees’ regular health care insurance plans. Gap Insurance is a relatively new type of insurance that some employers aren’t familiar with. We can provide you with all the information you’ll need to make an informed choice when it comes to selecting a gap insurance plan for you and your employees. And we support and help our clients if the need to process a claim.
Contact AIS to schedule a free consultation. Our agents are here to show you how a gap insurance plan can help you and your employees deal with unexpected out-of-pocket medical expenses